Peace Freedom Prosperity President Donald J Trump 20 Core Promises to America

Trump & Musk Interview

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Peace ~ Freedom ~ Prosperity    

President Donald John Trump’s 20 Core Promises to America

Mary Baker Eddy

Intro + 5 Quotes CLICK

The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable. ~ Mary Baker Eddy [SH 192]


1.   Introduction    Peace ~ Freedom ~ Prosperity    

Plan for Raising America out of Hell onto a path toward Heaven
Work together in Unity
The population and leaders of America need to work together to follow the platform listed below. To improve the standard requires among other things, effort, dedication, and a spiritual attitude. The more pure the sense of God is, the better the results will be from all striving.

God is defined as "incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love" by Mary Baker Eddy. She also defines God to be "Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, & Omni-action." God is not a person but a perfect  set of Divine qualities manifested throughout all existence which reflects God the true source.

Genesis 1 states that God made man in His image and after His likeness. Therefore, the real man is not a person but the expression, the manifestation, the image of God’s qualities. In reality, man is as prefect as God is perfect since the image reflects the source.

If each and every one follows the items in the platform below, in the Spirit (God), there will be a new beginning that is one of peace, freedom, & prosperity. If everyone follows then everyone will experience heaven on earth as described in Revelation. It is within each one to be able to do it as each one has the capacity to reflect the one and only source which is God. 

Impaired vision is the result of believing man is the false man described in Genesis 2. A mist went up in Genesis 2 blurring the vision of the real man. Awakening will enable a clear vision of the real man described in Genesis 1. 

See Mary Baker Eddy quotes below. Following the truth in those articles will support every effort to experience peace, freedom, & prosperity in an ever-increasing degree, one step at a time.
2.  Quotes from Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy
2a.   The 1 Real Power 
Moral and spiritual might belong to Spirit, who holds the "wind in His fists;" and this teaching accords with Science and harmony. In Science, you can have no power opposed to God, and the physical senses must give up their false testimony. Your influence for good depends upon the weight you throw into the right scale. The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable. Evil is not power. It is a mockery of strength, which erelong betrays its weakness and falls, never to rise. [SH 192:17-26]
2b.   Truth's Grand Results 
Christian Science rises above the evidence of the corporeal senses; but if you have not risen above sin yourself, do not congratulate yourself upon your blindness to evil or upon the good you know and do not. A dishonest position is far from Christianly scientific. "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." Try to leave on every student's mind the strong impress of divine Science, a high sense of the moral and spiritual qualifications requisite for healing, well knowing it to be impossible for error, evil, and hate to accomplish the grand results of Truth and Love. The reception or pursuit of instructions opposite to absolute Christian Science must always hinder scientific demonstration. [SH 448:12-25]
2c.   3 classes of neophyte thinkers 
There is a large class of thinkers whose bigotry and conceit twist every fact to suit themselves. Their creed teaches belief in a mysterious, supernatural God, and in a natural, all-powerful devil. Another class, still more unfortunate, are so depraved that they appear to be innocent. They utter a falsehood, while looking you blandly in the face, and they never fail to stab their benefactor in the back. A third class of thinkers build with solid masonry. They are sincere, generous, noble, and are therefore open to the approach and recognition of Truth. To teach Christian Science to such as these is no task. They do not incline longingly to error, whine over the demands of Truth, nor play the traitor for place. [SH 450:1-14]
Mary Baker Eddy

Mary Baker Eddy

Susan Mack Vocalist Index

1. What is truth?  MP3
2. Loving Shepherd MP3
3. Trust to God  MP3

3.  Fidelity    Peace ~ Freedom ~ Prosperity       

Plan for Raising America out of Hell onto a path toward Heaven

No Excellence without labor 
There is no excellence without labor; and the time
 6	 to work, is now. Only by persistent, unremitting, straight-forward toil; by turning neither to the right nor to the left, seeking no other pursuit or pleasure than that which
 9	 cometh from God, can you win and wear the crown of the faithful. 
That law-school is not at fault which sends forth
12	a barrister who never brings out a brief. Why? Because he followed agriculture instead of litigation, forsook Blackstone for gray stone, dug into soils instead of delv-
15	 ing into suits, raised potatoes instead of pleas, and drew up logs instead of leases. He has not been faithful over a few things. 
18       Is a musician made by his teacher? He makes himself a musician by practising what he was taught. The conscientious are successful. They follow faithfully;
21	  through evil or through good report, they work on to the achievement of good; by patience, they inherit the promise. Be active, and, however slow, thy success is sure:
24  	   toil is triumph; and — thou hast been faithful over a few things. 
The lives of great men and women are miracles of pa-
27	 tience and perseverance. Every luminary in the constellation of human greatness, like the stars, comes out in the darkness to shine with the reflected light of God. 

        Mis Writings 340: 5-29 ~ Mary Baker Eddy

4.   Work – Work – Work – Watch & Pray    Peace ~ Freedom ~ Prosperity       

Plan for Raising America out of Hell onto a path toward Heaven

The song of Christian Science is, "Work — work — work — watch and pray." The close observer reports
 9	three types of human nature — the right thinker and worker, the idler, and the intermediate. The right thinker works; he gives little time to society
12	manners or matters, and benefits society by his example and usefulness. He takes no time for amusement, ease, frivolity; he earns his money and gives it wisely to the
15	world. The wicked idler earns little and is stingy; he has plenty of means, but he uses them evilly. Ask how he
18	gets his money, and his satanic majesty is supposed to answer smilingly: "By cheating, lying, and crime; his dupes are his capital; his stock in trade, the wages of sin;
21	your idlers are my busiest workers; they will leave a lucrative business to work for me." Here we add:  The doom of such workers will come, and it will be more sudden,
24	severe, and lasting than the adversary can hope. The intermediate worker works at times. He says: "It is my duty to take some time for myself; however, I
27	believe in working when it is convenient." Well, all that is good. But what of the fruits of your labors? And he answers: "I am not so successful as I could wish, but I
30	work hard enough to be so." 

 1	    Now, what saith Christian Science? "When a man is right, his thoughts are right, active, and they are fruitful;
 3	he loses self in love, and cannot hear himself, unless he loses the chord.  The right thinker and worker does his best, and does the thinking for the ages.  No hand that
 6	feels not his help, no heart his comfort. He improves moments; to him time is money, and he hoards this capital to distribute gain." 

             Mess. 1900:2:7-3:8 ~ Mary Baker Eddy


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7. William Treadwell ~ Life View

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